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Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose

Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose

Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose

Rhinoplasty has become a common-place procedure around the globe. The nose is located on the center of the face and is the second thing, after the eyes, that people notice when talking face to face. Having a nose shape and size that perfectly complements the other facial features is regarded as ideal. However, if you feel the symmetry of your nose compared to your other facial features is off-balanced, rhinoplasty can be the appropriate procedure to correct this. 

What is Rhinoplasty? 

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the shape and size of the nose through the removal, reposition, augmentation, and correction of the nasal skin, tissue, bone, and cartilage. According to statistics, an average of 22,000 patients undergo rhinoplasty in a year, making this one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures.

Having issues with the nose may either cause aesthetic or functional issues. Because of this, rhinoplasty procedures can be classified as either functional rhinoplasty or cosmetic rhinoplasty.  

The goal of rhinoplasty is not only to improve the appearance of the nose, but also to enhance its function, which is breathing. Functional rhinoplasty involves the correction of the nasal septum and the reduction of enlarged turbinates to improve breathing. Cosmetic rhinoplasty, on the other hand, focuses on altering the appearance of the nose to make it more symmetrical with the facial features.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty 

Rhinoplasty is customized from one patient to another based on their goals, needs, and preferences. With the help of a board-certified plastic surgeon in altering the nasal bone, cartilage, and skin, you can experience benefits such as:

  • A straighter nose
  • A nose that is more symmetrical to your facial features
  • An improved nasal tip
  • A smoother-looking nose
  • A nose size that compliments your face
  • Improved nasal function

Types of Rhinoplasty

 There are four types of rhinoplasty. Two of them are considered as primary types, which are “closed” rhinoplasty and “open” rhinoplasty. 

Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose
  1. Open Rhinoplasty
  • During an open rhinoplasty, the incisions are made in the columella, or the skin that separates the nostrils. The skin and the tissue are lifted after creating the incision for the surgeon to gain better access to the inner nasal structures. Therefore, this type is most recommended for patients who need major nasal alterations.
  1. Closed Rhinoplasty
  • For this type, the incisions are made inside of the nose. Therefore, it is only used for minor changes in the nose. Once the incisions are made, the skin and tissues are separated to gain access to the cartilage and the bone.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

Before a surgeon can perform a rhinoplasty, they will first assess the patient thoroughly to see if he or she is a good candidate for the procedure. The surgeon will also take the patient’s pictures and will use a 3D imaging scanner to allow the patient to see the possible results of the procedure.

The duration of a rhinoplasty procedure can range from one and a half to three hours. For minor cases, local anesthesia with sedation can be used, but for more complex ones, general anesthesia is much preferred. The following are the basic steps being followed during a rhinoplasty procedure:

Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose
  1. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon makes the incisions either inside the nostrils for closed rhinoplasty or in the columella for open rhinoplasty.
  2. After creating the incisions, the skin and the tissue are separated from the bone and cartilage or lifted to access the full nasal structure.
  3. They then make the necessary corrections by removing or augmenting the bone and cartilage until the desired size and shape are achieved.
  4. When the corrections have been made, the surgeon will suture the incisions and will place bandages and splints on your nose.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Since a rhinoplasty procedure is an invasive procedure, full recovery can take anywhere from six months up to a year. As with every major surgery, you will experience swelling, soreness, and possibly bruising for two weeks to a month. Your surgeon will prescribe you pain medication that you may take to ease discomfort as well as antibiotics to prevent infection. During the first days and weeks, you must put a cold compress on your nose to help with the swelling and clean your incisions as often as needed. It is also recommended that you elevate your head when sleeping or resting and walk as much as you can to aid in proper blood circulation. Avoid strenuous activities until your surgeon says so, and make sure to protect your nose from getting hit. For three months, make sure to avoid exposing your nose to the sun as this can slow the recovery. If sun exposure cannot be avoided, you may apply sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 or wear protective clothing.

Rhinoplasty Before and After 

Even the slightest change in your nose can make a difference in your appearance. Just like in the before and after pictures shown below, you can see the significant change that rhinoplasty has achieved with the patients’ nose. Because of the procedure, their nose has become more symmetrical and well-balanced with their other facial features making the facial angles look smoother.

Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose
Rhinoplasty Surgery: How to Achieve the Perfect Nose

Correcting the nasal size and shape to achieve the perfect looking nose has always been possible with rhinoplasty. It can cater to patients who want and need minor changes, as well as patients that need or desire significant alterations in their nose using the two types of rhinoplasty, namely the closed and open rhinoplasty. This procedure does not only improve the appearance of the nose, but it is also capable of fixing nasal issues that cause hindrance in proper breathing. The procedure can take 1.5-3 hours and involves the removal, repositioning, and augmenting of the nasal bone and cartilage. Since this is an invasive procedure, it can take the patient six months to a year to completely recover and see the final results.

Since the nose is in the center of the face, slight deformities can easily be noticed right away. For this matter, you must have a trusted clinic, and board-certified plastic surgeon perform the procedure to ensure the right outcome without any complications. For a consultation with the top and most trusted clinics and surgeons in Korea, you may contact Seoul Guide Medical through their website.


Undergoing an invasive procedure like rhinoplasty requires strict qualifications, whether it may be for cosmetic or medical purposes. For this matter, the procedure is only recommended for those who:

  • Are in excellent mental and physical health 
  • Are non-smokers or are willing to quit smoking
  • Have realistic expectations of the procedure and its outcome 
  • Are willing to follow before, during, and after surgery instructions

Since rhinoplasty alters the bones and cartilage in the nose, it is considered permanent. However, injuries or other factors may change the appearance of the nose after a rhinoplasty procedure if you are not careful. 

A rhinoplasty procedure should only be performed on patients who have a nose that has fully developed. In this case, girls can undergo this surgery between 14-16 years old and boys at 16-18 years old. However, it is still possible for rhinoplasty to be performed on patients younger than the said ages if it is for medical reasons and has been prescribed by the doctor.

After the procedure, you will only be able to see a slight change in your nose because of swelling. As the side effects gradually disappear over time, you will begin to see your nose taking its final shape. This may take around six months to a year. Surgeons recommend waiting a minimum of this recovery time before deciding on getting another rhinoplasty procedure if needed. 

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