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Tummy Tuck: What You Need to Know

Tummy Tuck: What You Need to Know

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A tummy tuck can be the answer to your dreams of having that perfectly contoured body. Today, having a slimmer body and flat stomach is what people consider as beautiful and ideal. However, not everyone can easily achieve what is perceived as an attractive kind of body shape. So many factors can contribute to having a fatty abdomen, and for some, exercise is their way of trying to get rid of unwanted fats in the area. However, there are also some who, no matter how much exercise and proper diet they practice, cannot achieve the toned stomach everyone is after. If you are someone who has this problem, then a tummy tuck procedure might be what you need.

What is a
Tummy Tuck?

tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic and aesthetic surgical procedure that can eliminate unwanted excess fat and skin as well as tighten weakened abdominal muscles. This procedure is best for individuals who have genetically stubborn excess abdominal skin and fat, those who underwent a pregnancy, or those who have undergone significant weight loss. With a tummy tuck, visible fat, sagging skin, and an abdominal bulge that cannot be remedied by any form of exercise or diet can be made flatter, firmer, more contoured, and toned to match other body parts. 

Benefits of a
Tummy Tuck?

The benefits you can get from a tummy tuck are mostly for aesthetic purposes. Some of the benefits include: 

  • Removal of stubborn fats and skin that no diet and exercise can eliminate

  • Minimal visibility of any scars since they are hidden beneath undergarments and clothes

  • A flatter and firmer abdomen

  • Same-day discharge from the hospital or clinic 

  • Returning to non-vigorous work within a week or two

  • Increase in confidence level

Tummy Tuck

There are two types of tummy tuck procedures, namely, the complete abdominoplasty (full tummy tuck) and partial abdominoplasty ( mini tummy tuck). The duration of the procedure takes around two to five hours for a complete abdominoplasty while it takes one to two hours for the partial type. The surgeons use either local anesthesia with or without sedation or general anesthesia, especially for longer and more complex procedures. The steps of the two types of a tummy tuck are as follows: 

Complete Abdominoplasty(Full tummy tuck) 

  1. The surgeon begins the procedure with an incision from one hip to another just above the pubic hairline. 
  2. They then create another incision around the navel to detach it from the tissue so that they can reposition it after tightening the skin. 
  3. The skin is then separated from the underlying fats and muscles. 
  4. This skin is then elevated from the incision up to the ribs to reveal the muscles below. 
  5. Then, the surgeon stitches the muscles vertically to make them tighter and narrow the waistline. 
  6. The excess skin is then trimmed while the remaining skin is pulled back down. 
  7. Since the skin has covered the belly button, the surgeon makes a new opening where the belly button will be sutured. 
  8. The incisions are then stitched back together and covered with a bandage. Drainage tubes are also placed to collect excess fluids. 

Partial Abdominoplasty(Mini tummy tuck) 

  1. The procedure for a mini tummy tuck starts with an incision going from one hip to another, only shorter, as compared to a full tummy tuck. There is also no need for an incision in the navel since it does not need to be repositioned. 
  2. The surgeon then raises the skin flap from the incision until the navel. 
  3. They then cut off the excess skin. 
  4. Once the excess skin has been removed, the remaining skin is placed back. 
  5. The surgeon then stitches the incisions, covers them with a bandage, and places a drainage tube that will collect the excess fluids. 

Most of the time, a tummy tuck procedure is considered an outpatient operation, which lets you go home several hours after. For some patients who had a more extensive tummy tuck, the surgeon may let them stay in the clinic or hospital overnight so that their recovery can be monitored closely. The recovery varies from one individual to another and largely depends on how extensive the procedure they underwent was. Typically, you will be sore, and your abdomen might experience some swelling in the first few days to a week. It is recommended that you walk around after the procedure to aid in blood circulation. For the first few weeks, you will surely have drains attached to the incision in your abdomen to aid in draining excess fluids. You have to keep the area clean to avoid any infection as thoroughly as possible. After two to four weeks, you will be allowed to return to work as long as you have a non-vigorous job since lifting and other strenuous activities are not permitted until four weeks after surgery. 

Tummy Tuck
before and after

Whether you underwent a complete or partial abdominoplasty, it will show significant results by getting rid of excess skin and weak abdominal muscles. When paired with liposuction, most can enjoy optimal results. As you can see in the before and after pictures below, the tummy tuck procedure was able to eliminate the bulging abdomen of both patients. It has also given them a slimmer, firmer, and more toned stomach, which complements other parts of their body. 

As a cosmetic and aesthetic procedure, a tummy tuck can get rid of excess skin in the abdomen and restore weakened muscles. With the two types of tummy tuck procedures, the complete and partial abdominoplasty, it gives the patients options as to which one best suits their needs. The complete procedure involves both the elimination of excess skin and tightening of the muscles, while the partial procedure only tackles the excess skin. For the recovery, it may take you about two to four weeks to recover and resume your daily tasks and activities, depending on the extent of the procedure you underwent. 

If you want to experience the aesthetic benefits of a tummy tuck, or if you are tired of following an exercise and diet regime, but to no avail, then it may be time to see a plastic surgeon. Here at Seoul Guide Medical, we cater to all your plastic surgery needs through trusted clinics and surgeons who produce results that are of international standards. For a consultation, you may contact us through our website and be ready to achieve your dream body. 


It is expected after a tummy tuck that you will experience bruising, tightness, soreness, and swelling in the operated area. Strenuous activities should be avoided for four to six weeks to help in proper recovery. When it comes to scarring, expect it to be permanent, but it will still fade or lighten over three months up to two years. 

A qualified candidate for a tummy tuck can be anyone as long as they meet the requirements of being in good physical health, having an ideal weight, and having realistic expectations. This procedure is most recommended for the following: 

  • Individuals who have sagging skin in their abdomen
  • Individuals whose abdominal muscles have been weakened due to a variety of factors
  • Individuals who are struggling with excess abdominal fats 
  • Individuals who are not planning to get pregnant in the future 
  • Individuals who are willing to maintain proper weight after the procedure 
  • Individuals who want to boost their confidence through a better body appearance 

A tummy tuck is a permanent solution to excess skin and fat in the abdomen. However, the results can fade if you gain weight after the procedure. This is why individuals who are still planning to get pregnant in the future are not qualified for the procedure. Once you undergo the process, you have to make sure that you maintain an ideal weight through a proper diet and enough exercise. 

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